Tell me:
- When you’re about to close a deal, do you feel shaky?
- Do you question whether you “belong” at the negotiation table, while in the middle of the actual negotiation?
- When you think about the know, like, and trust factor you’re offering, do you doubt your worth?
If your eyes are squeezing shut because the truth of these scenarios feels all too familiar: you’re in the right place, and you’re not alone.
It’s time to land the plane and begin your journey back to confidence, security, self-worth, and self-trust.
In other words, it’s time to Negotiate Anything and learn to:
- Effectively ask for more
- Feel confident in every conversation you have
- Close the sale
- Mediate successfully
- Build better relationships with your clients
- Build a better relationship with yourself
- Stop drowning at work and home
- Get unstuck
- Believe in your worth
- And more!
Plus sales tax, where it applies